Late last year, a young cousin of mine passed away unexpectedly. She was the kind of person that saw the positive in everyone, and loved young children. Last weekend, I helped her family scattered her ashes in the sea at Skegness, which was her favourite summer holiday destination in the UK.
Her closest cousins, siblings, and I made a pact: to do something significantly charitable in her memory.
And so, I’ve decided to donate all contributions for Synth1 Librarian to charity. Every year, on the anniversary of her passing, I will donate ALL of your contributions to a charity that helps educate children.
Synth1 Librarian was born because I received an education – and I kept learning. Your contributions will go on to help a child of the future create something to share with the world (maybe even an awesome VST plugin 😉 )
For everyone that has contributed – and to those that will contribute – I thank you from the bottom of my heart.